about us

Auto Parts Market (APMG DWC LLC) is a complete solution to increase the profit of each company operating in the field of automotive business.
Our main area is the spare parts wholesale (for Japanese (Toyota, Honda, Nissan and other), Korean and German cars).
Our stock is constantly maintained in the presence of a large range of parts and accessories. Here you will find both original parts and certified duplicates for all cars series.
Therefore we deliver only high quality goods, focusing on long-term cooperation.
We respect our customers and doing everything to save their money and time.
We see a huge space for innovation in the business and implement our own developments to simplify the work process.

- Supplies from the warehouses all over the world
- Collective procurement;
- Tailor made spare parts manufacturing by the South Korean, Taiwan, Malaysian, Indian factories;
- Create and promote your own brand;
- Transport logistics;
- Audit and setting training system and development of your staff.
Our well-established system of supplies will allow you to implement orders from anywhere in the world easily, quickly and at the lowest cost.
You can always be assured in competent and friendly service, the speed and accuracy of the orders processing and high quality of supplied spare parts!